Sunday, 19 August 2012

Thunder armour scouts

First of all, my apologies for not blogging for a while. My wife and I had a baby two weeks back and we've been busy fiddling with nappies and trying to get the poor little fella to sleep.

When he does finally hit the sack, I take out my other baby - my burgeoning White Scars army. With puffy, sleep deprived eyes, I've been hunched over the kitchen table cutting, glueing and rummaging around in my bits box.

I think I may have eaten a full tube of superglue in the past two weeks, just through biting off the hard crust that forms over the tips of your fingers. Sorry, I'm weird.

So, enough about my own gubbins and on to the project itself. My army list, which is constantly in flux, now includes a scout squad with sniper rifles. After a lot of umming and arrring, I finally decided against using the generic GW scout models, and instead, went on a bit of an ebay bitz finding mission.

The model above is the product of a few things I had knocking around the house. A (badly) painted MK3 torso and legs, some MK2 arms, a Cadian head, and shoulder guards and cloak from the Chaos Marauder set. This will roughly be the set up I'll be using for the scouts, when all my bits come.

It's not exactly the same as the artwork, which looks a lot bulkier, particularly in the shoulder pads. I was originally considering modelling my own with greenstuff, or picking up some of the company champion shoulder pads. However, I opted to go for a more pared down model, since they are scouts after all.

I've bought some Mk4 backpacks, but I'm still uncertain whether I'm going to use them, similarly too because scouts should be more mobile and have less cumbersome armour.

Although thunder armour was only used in earth unification armies, I reasoned that during the transition at the beginning of the Great Crusade, the legions may still have sought a lighter alternative to Mk2 armour for scout squads. Hence, some old suits of thunder armour may have been brought out and reconditioned for use off-Earth. This explains the differences between the artwork and the versions which I'm churning out now.

I'll post up some more stuff which I've been working on recently.

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