Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Final White Scars Army List

So, boys and girls, the time has come to post my final army list.

Throne of Skulls is but two weeks away, and I've been furiously painting my miniatures by night and tweaking my army list like a pair of over-ripe nipples by day. The result, as you may gather, is pretty sexy.

I've yet to test game any of these builds, and I very much doubt I'll have time to, as every moment I don't spend at work or in the gym is given over to carefully painting my bare undercoated, and unassembled army.

Is it possible to paint all of this in one week, without making my army look like an impressionist's fuzzy doodle, or having a nervous breakdown? We shall see.

Here's my list at present, with a few variations.

Captain w/ bike, relic blade, artificer armour - 180
Rune priest w/bike, axe, wolf tooth talisman - 140
5 grey hunters, w/razorback, plasma gun - 125
5 grey hunters, w/razorback, plasma gun - 125
4 bikes, 2 melta guns, multi-melta attack bike - 185
4 bikes, 2 plasma, attack bike - 185
5 long fangs, 4 missiles - 115
Aegis w/quad gun - 100
Vindicator - 115
Vindicator - 115
Vindicator - 115

The idea here is to largely split my army in two, with the rune priest hanging back in the plasma (fire support) squad and the captain offering a bit of melee boost for the melta guys, should it be needed.

The rune priest will be taking the divination deck, in most games, and jaws when I'm playing against Necrons.

I opted for an aegis rather than a bastion, as models can sometimes get too grouped on the battlements, although the bastion does give better line of sight.

The vindicators will get cover from the bikes and the razors. The grey hunters will grab objectives.

Let me know what you think!