Sunday 27 May 2012

The 'big momma cannon'

I shit you not, that is the actual name for the item you see before you. The big momma cannon....

Anyhow, I received two of these today, alongside lots of other parts and bits, from Puppets War.

This is going to represent my pre-heresy demolisher. As you can see, it's utterly ridiculous proportions make it seem pretty antiquated versus the new more toned-down demolishers. All of which just make this model utterly awesome. I still have to put it together, but here's a picture from the awesome Goatboy at BOLS:

I will say though that the bulldozer blade does look a little 'burred', which make require a little sanding/scraping/washing, to make it smoother and hence, easier to paint. I'll let you know how I get on when I come to assemble and paint it.

I was considering purchasing a deimos rhino conversion kit from forge world, to accompany this model, but that plus the 15 euros for the cannon, put the price tag too high, sadly.

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