Sunday, 27 May 2012

Lovely, lovely Storm Talon

I have a sneaky feeling that the Stormtalon is going to radically alter my White Scars planned army list. As will some of the new 40k rumours on flamers.

Firstly, regarding the stormtalon, I'm completely taken by the possibility of spamming them.

Upgraded for just 25 points with the sky skyhammer missile launcher, with its already formidable loadout of a twin-linked assault cannon, means that this beast will have four shots at strength six, and three shots at strength seven, per turn. Plus it can fire all weapons and still move at 12 inches per turn. And all that, for a grand total of 155 points.

To be honest, I'm utterly in love with the rules at least, and can think of a thousand ways that it would complement a bike army. I currently have three squadrons of two typhoon landspeeders taking up the three fast attack slots in the codex.

However, I'd definitely like at least two of these, which then raises the question of priorities. If I take two typhoons, I can put out four krak missiles a turn, plus six heavy bolter shots. However, that's for thirty points more (180pts).

Two stormtalons and three typhoons might make sense. Or else, I might use the tempests I am getting in the 'heavy support' section as well as one fast attack slot. That would mean I could take six tempests, two storm talons and two vindicators. That *might* provide me with enough mobile firepower! However, it would rely to a certain extent on the good graces of my opponent.

The only other concern I might have is that the stormtalon is not strictly pre-heresy. It looks considerably more modern than the rest of my army, and if I fielded it, I might need to 'bling' it up a bit in order to fit the theme. I'm hoping Chapter House Studios release a conversion kit for it similar to what they did for the Storm Raven.

The other point which I wanted to mention, is the rumours of purchased terrain, flamers and flammable terrain. Obviously, terrain for a biker army is extremely problematic. I cannot claim objectives on the high ground, and difficult terrain counts as dangerous. If terrain, and in particular bunkers and other siege terrain, becomes more common in 40k, this could cause a problem.

However, the possibility of using flamers to 'drive out' embedded troops into the open where they can be killed, now seems to be a very real one.  Therefore, I'm also considering purchasing a tactical combat squad, armed with flamers, in a razorback with a TL heavy flamer, for specifically this role. They could also be useful later on for capturing objectives.

Anyhow, the 6th edition isn't going to be released until the end of June, so I still have over a month to paint up my core troops.


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