Monday 21 May 2012

Test model

I wasn't going to do anything on my White Scars until I'd finished my Black Templars, but I got over-excited by the recent orders and decided to put one together. After a bit of hacking and cutting, what you see above is the result.

I had to hack off the jaw of the skeleton horse, and laid out the rest of the spine (including the tail) across the back of the bike. It's a bit gappy in places, so I still need a bit of green stuff, particularly where the head joins the neck.

Overall though, I'm fairly happy with the finished product.

I'm still a little unsure of how to paint white. I have ordered the 'Let's Paint: White Scars' dvd from AG Productions, so hopefully it will give me some pointers. I'm a bit reluctant to use my jetbike marines as test models, so I picked up a box of three tactical marines for that purpose. I'll start work on them soon.

I'm unsure whether the jetbike should get a black basecoat, as it would certainly help with the shading around the skeleton and in the air fins. Suggestions on a postcard.

I still have about seven Black Templars tactical marines to finish this week. This weekend, I have to paint a razorback, landspeeder and at least half of my terminator squad. Wish me luck!

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